Fingerprint Bureau and its main Functions

The Fingerprint Bureau of India, also known as Central Fingerprint Bureau (CFPB) was set up in Kolkata in 1955 under the administrative control of the Intelligence Bureau (IB). 

Fingerprint Bureau of India

But, In 1973, the administrative control was transferred to CBI and again in 1986, the administrative control was finally given to the newly formed National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) located in R.K Puram, New Delhi.

Functions of Fingerprint Bureau of India

1. The main function of FPB is to maintain the fingerprint data of Indian and Foreign criminals. The record of foreign criminals is sent by the Interpol Division of CBI.

2. It also examines the questioned fingerprint impressions referred by central Govt. departments and other Govt. of India undertakings.

3. It also imparts training in fingerprint science to police and non-police personnel of the state govt. and personnel of foreign countries under the 'Technical Co-operation Scheme'.

4. It also conducts the All India Board examination every year to certify the FingerPrint experts.

5. It also publishes the 'Fingerprint in India' annual journal stating the performance and activities performed by various Fingerprint Bureaux of the country.

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