5 Steps to Secure the Crime Scene

Securing the scene of the crime

A crime scene has certain physical evidence which forms the basis to link the victim, suspect, and crime scene. Anyone entering the crime scene can contaminate these pieces of evidence which can change the original crime scene. 

Securing the scene of the crime

Thus, it is necessary to secure the crime scene not only from the onlookers, press, etc but also from inexperienced police personnel.

5 steps to secure the crime scene

  1. If the victim is dead then its body should not be removed but instead left undisturbed until the proper documentation is done. If the victim is still alive then medical assistance should be provided as soon as possible to save a costly human life.
  2. The crime scene should be cordoned off with "crime scene do not cross" tapes or any physical barriers like barricades, vehicles, etc.
  3. Once the cordoning is done, two or three officers should be deployed around the barrier to prevent unauthorized entry of people especially curious onlookers.
  4. A contamination log book or security log is maintained for all entry/exits into the secured crime scene.
  5. Finally after doing all the above steps, further investigation/documentation should proceed.

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