Vulnerability Assessment: Definition, Types and Importance

What is Vulnerability Assessment?

The process of identifying security voids and weaknesses in an information system is known as vulnerability assessment. It checks and evaluates the suspected vulnerabilities in a system and provides information about its severity that is whether it is low, high, or critical, and suggests a way to mitigate them.

Threats like SQL injection, XSS injection, DoS attack, etc on a system can be prevented by vulnerability assessment.

Types of Vulnerability Assessment

Types of Vulnerability Assessment

1. Host Assessment

It includes vulnerability assessment of servers, workstations, and other network hosts. This assessment examines ports and services that the host is using.

2. Network Assessment

It includes vulnerability assessment of public and private networks on which the system is connected. This type of assessment can also detect vulnerabilities in wired and wireless networks.

3. Database Assessment

It includes vulnerability assessment of databases or big data systems. This assessment is for any misconfiguration in the database that can lead to attacks like SQL injection.

4. Application Assessment

It includes vulnerability assessment of web applications and their source code by automated scans.

Importance of Vulnerability Assessment

Through regular vulnerability assessment of networks, servers, and systems, an organization can minimize the chances of any potential data leak or attack on the system. It also gives the organization a better understanding of its assets, security flaws, and overall risk.

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