Process of Dyeing Fabric

To dye fiber with a dye, some certain steps are to be followed only then dye molecules will get fixed on the fiber and we will get our desired colored fiber. So, the following are some steps that are to be followed during the dyeing process: 1. Sourcing and Bleaching In this type, fiber is collected from the source and any loose, hairy or gummy materials are removed from the fiber. Then, impurities or any natural color of the fiber are removed through bleaching. 2. Preparation of Dye bath In this step, a dye bath is prepared in which the whole process of dyeing a textile fiber takes place. A dye bath contains dye and water which is generally heated to get a proper mixture. 3. Coloration In this step, textile fiber is colored through dyeing. The color should not readily be removed by rinsing in water or by normal washing procedures. Also, the color should not fade by exposure to light. Following are the phenomenon involved at the molecular level during the coloration of textile mater...