Classification of Natural Dyes

Classification of Natural Dyes

Dyes which are obtained from natural resources like plants, animals, and minerals are known as natural dyes

Classification of dyes

So, natural dyes can be further classified into three types.

1. Natural Dyes obtained from Plants

Dyes that are obtained from plant sources like roots, berries, bark, leaves, and wood are known as plant-based natural dyes

For example, Logwood, Indigo, Henna, etc. They are also known as vegetable dyes and can be applied directly or with different mordants.

2. Natural dyes obtained from Animals

Dyes that are obtained from animal sources like insects and invertebrates are known as animal-based dyes. Various shades of red and purple colors can be obtained from animal origin. 

Cochineal, Tyrian Purple, and Lac are some common examples of animal dyes.

3. Natural dyes obtained from minerals

Dyes that are obtained from mineral sources are called mineral dyes. They are produced by the metallic ions in the mordant salts. 

Shades of the dye depend upon the metal, like chrome gives blue shade, iron salts give brown shade and copper are poisonous and hence, not used commercially.

Advantages of Natural dyes

  1. They are eco-friendly because they are extracted from natural resources.
  2. They have anti-microbial properties and hence, they protect the fabrics from microbial attacks.
  3. They produce soft and soothing colors.
  4. They provide excellent protection from U.V rays.

Disadvantages of Natural dyes 

  1. Extraction of natural dyes is a time-consuming process.
  2. Reproducibility of the same color shade in natural dyes is different. 
  3. Availability of natural dyes depends on the seasons.
  4. Natural dyes are different to store and chances of contamination are high.

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