10 myths about coronavirus you shouldn't miss [UPDATED]

Disclaimer- This is written by taking reference from WHO official website. We appeal you not to believe in rumors and fake news, always verify facts from WHO official website.

1. COVID-19 virus can't survive in hot and humid climate

From the evidence so far, COVID-19 can be transmitted in all areas including hot and humid areas. The best way to protect yourself is by cleaning hands frequently with soap or alcohol based hand wash.

Coronavirus myths


2. Cold weather and snow can kill COVID-19 virus

From the evidence so far, COVID-19 can survive in cold weather. Moreover, Virus can live freely in human body having temperature 36.5°C to 37°C irrespective of external temperature. The best way to protect yourself is by cleaning hands frequently with soap or alcohol based hand wash.

Coronavirus myths


3. The COVID-19 virus can be transmitted by mosquito bites

Till now no case is reported, COVID-19 virus primarily spread through droplets generated by infected person through sneezing or coughing. The best way to protect yourself is by cleaning hands frequently with soap or alcohol based hand wash.

Coronavirus myths


4. Hand dryers are effective in killing COVID-19 virus

No. Hand dryers cannot kill COVID-19 virus. The best way to protect yourself is by cleaning hands frequently with soap or alcohol based hand wash.

Coronavirus myths


5. UV disinfection lamp can kill COVID-19 virus

UV lamps should not be used to sterilize hands or other areas of skin as UV radiation can cause skin irritation.

Coronavirus myths


6. Receiving packages from china is not safe

This is false. Receiving packages from china is 100% safe as COVID-19 virus cannot survive long on objects like letters, boxes, toys, etc.


7. Pets can spread COVID-19 virus

As of now, there is no such case reported but it is advisable to wash your hands after contact with animals/pets as bacteria like E. coli and Salmonella can pass between pets and humans.


8. Eating Garlic can prevent you from COVID-19 virus

Garlic is healthy food but there is no evidence till now that Garlic can protect you from new COVID-19 virus.

Coronavirus myths


9. Putting sesame oil will block COVID-19 virus entering in the body

This is not true. Sesame oil has little or no impact on COVID-19 virus and it is very dangerous to put such things on skin. Some disinfectants can kill the COVID-19 only on the surface. These are bleach, ethanol, per-acetic acid, and chloroform.


10. Antibiotics kill new COVID-19 virus

No. Antibiotics only work against bacterial infections, not viruses. So, don’t take traditional medicines and antibiotics as it’s useless and dangerous.

Coronavirus myths

Refer this link for WHO official website: WHO

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