10 Believable Myths About Coronavirus that will Shock You

Globally 80,980 people are infected and 3,000 have died due to new coronavirus and some myths are traveling on the Internet which are fake. So, here are some myth busters:

Myths about Coronavirus

1. Receiving packages from china is not safe

This is false. Receiving packages from china is 100% safe as coronavirus cannot survive long on objects like letters, boxes, toys, etc.

2. Pets can spread coronavirus

As of now, there is no such case reported but it is advisable to wash your hands after contact with animals/pets as bacteria like E. coli and Salmonella can pass between pets and humans.

3. Eating Garlic can prevent you from coronavirus

Garlic is healthy food but there is no evidence till now that Garlic can protect you from new coronavirus.

4. Putting sesame oil will block coronavirus entering in the body

This is not true. Sesame oil has little or no impact on coronavirus and it is very dangerous to put such things on skin. Some disinfectants can kill the COVID-19 only on the surface. These are bleach, ethanol, peracetic acid, and chloroform.

5. Antibiotics kill new coronavirus

No. Antibiotics only work against bacterial infections, not viruses. So, don’t take traditional medicines and antibiotics as it’s useless and dangerous.

6. Coronavirus only affects older people

People of all ages can be affected by new coronavirus but older people are more prone to get coronavirus due to weak immunity and pre-existing health conditions (asthma, cancer, heart disease). We advise you to maintain good hand hygiene and respiratory hygiene.

7. Regularly rinsing the nose with saline help to prevent coronavirus

No evidence rinsing your nose in saline will help you to prevent new coronavirus. However, regularly rinsing your nose in saline will help you to recover more faster from the common cold.

8. Thermal Scanners at airports can detect coronavirus

No. Thermal scanners can only detect people that had developed fever (i.e. have a higher body temperature than usual). They cannot detect people who are not sick but carries new coronavirus in the body as it takes usually 2-10 days to show symptoms.

9. Hand dryers can kill coronavirus

It is not true. Hand dryers cannot kill coronavirus, you should properly wash your hands with alcohol-based hand wash and thoroughly dry them using a towel or warm air dryer.

10. Ultraviolet lamps can kill coronavirus

UV lamp should not be used as this can cause skin irritation

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