8 Types of Glass and their Properties and Applications

Glasses are ceramic materials that are rigid like solids but which are not crystalline. Glass is also known as a supercooled liquid of infinitely high viscosity. The glass comes in the category of amorphous solid which is brittle and transparent. They are obtained by fusing a mixture of several metallic silicates or borates of sodium, potassium, calcium, and lead. Composition of Glass Glass is not a single compound. So, it does not have a fixed chemical formula but its general chemical formula is given below: xR2O.yMO.6SiO2 R = Alkali metal (Na, K, etc) M = Bivalent metal (Ca, Pb, etc) x and y = Number of molecules Properties of Glass 1. Glass is an amorphous solid that is its constituent particles are not arranged in any regular fashion. 2. Glass is brittle that is it can easily crack by applying little external force. 3. Glass may be transparent or translucent depending upon the compounds used in its manufacturing. 4. Glass melt over a range of temperature. 5. Glass is isotropic....