Preparation Tips To Score High In CBSE Board Exams 2020

CBSE Boards exam are an important milestone that governs a student's life long career. Hence, it is essential that you treat it gravely and pay proper attention to the preparation of Boards.
Here are some important tips that can help you prepare well and succeed with flying colors in Board examination.

1. Don't Neglect NCERT Books

The syllabus of the CBSE Board Exams is completely based on the NCERT textbooks. Hence, your teachers will never test you beyond the NCERT syllabus. A detailed study of NCERT textbooks is, thus, vital as every line of the book entails important information.

Studying from the NCERT is ideal for a thorough and comprehensive understanding of the concepts that can give you an edge over others and help you to score well in your exams.

2. Practice Previous Year Papers

Get hold of previous year board examination papers. Solving them will help you gain an insight into the exam pattern and familiarize you with important topics. Additionally, you should solve as many mock tests as possible. It will not only improve your speed and accuracy but also make you confident of your preparation and aid in better time management during the exam.

Further, carefully go through the topics covered in your unit test papers and term exam papers. These are important topics and may be asked again with little twist. This will also help you analyze the mistakes you may have committed and improve on them.

3. Practice Writing Skills

Writing answers to subjective questions is an art. Before you jump into writing the answer, plan it in your head first. A well-planned and structured answer will ensure all the necessary information is included. Practice writing your answers strategically and to the point.

You can highlight the important keywords or underline important words to attract the attention of the examiner. Wherever asked, draw the diagram and label it well. Additionally practicing wrong skills also helps memorise the concepts and builds confidence level.

4. Adhere To The Word Limit

As you are well aware, there is a word-limit well prescribed for different types of questions such as, Very Short Answer (VSA), Short Answer (SA), Long Answer (LA),etc. Pay heed to that and never go beyond the prescribed words.

Keep your answers compact and concise by following the word limit. Include only relevant information while answering the questions. If you think your answer will not suffice in the decided word limit, break into points and you are sorted.

5. Watch Video Tutorials

It cannot be denied that visual learning is quite effective and provides with both audio and visuals experience. It can be paused and watched again and again as per your convenience.

Moreover, in the absence of teacher, it can come to your rescue and help clarify all doubts you have or any concept you not understood.

Watching Video Tutorials is an engaging experience and enhance the overall knowledge, thereby adding a new dimensions to it and helping you to score well in Boards and other examinations.

6. Prepare In-Text and Exercise Questions Available In NCERT

As you are aware, the chapters in your NCERT textbook consist of both In-Text Questions as well as other Exercise Questions. These questions can be your key to success Boards. By solving these questions, you can test your knowledge of the chapter and find out about your strengths and weakness and improve on them.

7. Take Proper Rest and Stay Healthy

During the last few days before the commencement of exams, it is very important to stay both physically and mentally strong. However, often as the exams approach, students tend to feel more anxious and stressed.

It is important that you take care of yourself and not compromise on your sleep. You should take proper rest and sleep for at least 8 hours. Further, do not skip your meals and eat healthy food. In addition, during study, take frequent breaks to relax your mind.

Apart from the above mentioned tips, you should adopt a focused attitude. A focused attitude helps to achieve more and in less time, thereby leading to better productivity. If you want to pass your Boards with flying colors, focus on your preparation and keep your goals in mind. Stay positive and have faith in your abilities.

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