What if earth lost oxygen for 5 seconds?

If it was just 5 seconds, we wouldn't notice changes in our breathing. But do you know what would happen around us? Let's see..

earth lost oxygen for 5 seconds
Earth with no oxygen

1. Earth crust contains 45% oxygen. Without oxygen, earth's crust would crumble causing the ground to crumble and we would be in a free fall.

2. Buildings, bridges and concrete structures would crumble into dust. As oxygen is the binding agent for concrete.

Buildings will fall

3. Cars would stop and planes would fall from sky as their combustion engines wouldn't work without oxygen.

4. Losing oxygen means losing almost 21% air pressure. This would cause our inner ear to explode, causing hearing loss.

5. It would also become darker suddenly because for sunlight to reach us, it needs to bounce off air particles like oxygen,dust,etc. No oxygen means fewer particles to bounce off, thus much darker.

6. All burning stoves in kitchen would stop as fire needs oxygen to burn. Are you hungry??

7. All oceans would evaporate. As water contains 2 molecules of Hydrogen and 1 molecule of Oxygen, Hydrogen being lightest metal will evaporate in the atmosphere.

8. All birds would fall from sky causing a bloodbath. You will see a rain of birds from sky.

9. All your Fans, Air conditioners, etc would stop giving chilled air. Who cares? Its just 5 seconds!!

10. Most of the people get sunburn as ozone layer (made up of 3 molecules of oxygen) will evaporate and harmful U.V radiation will penetrate through our body. 

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