What happened to Chandrayaan 2: Those last 15 minutes

Chandrayaan-2 mission was launched on 22 July and its expected date of land was 7 September but unfortunately ISRO lost the communication with its lander (Vikram). Vikram's normal performance was observed up to an altitude of 2.1 km. Subsequently, communication from the lander to ground stations was lost.

Chandrayaan-2 crash
Prime minister Narendra Modi with ISRO'S chairman Dr. K.Sivan.

What happened in those last 15 minutes?

The expected time of Vikram to land on moon was 1.55 A.M, but at 1: 39 am, Vikram was travelling at a speed of around 21,600 kmph or 6 km per second. The speed of a commercial airplane is around 900 Kmph and by comparing Vikram’s speed with it,
Vikram was travelling 25 to 30 times speed of the airplane. Immediately after 1:39 am, in the last 15 minutes, came a challenge for ISRO scientists to lower down the speed to 7 Kmph. From 21,600 Kmph to 7 Kmph was always going to be a tough task in order to land safely without crash or any other technical failure.

Also, very high forces were being applied on Vikram from opposite direction. Soft landing was always a tough task and we have seen the crash landing in Israel's mission due to the speed control issue.
It's not yet confirmed that Vikram did crash landing or not, but we lost the signal 2.1 Km before landing the moon.

We guess, losing the signal at last moment could be due to the same speed control issue which is still very difficult task for all scientists all over the world.

Possible reasons of crash

Though ISRO didn't clarify about the reasons that why Vikram lander deviated from its path but here are some possible reasons of crash.

Magnetic field

Considering that the lander deviated from its intended path just 330 m from the surface, it could be possible that there was some strong magnetic field (possible stray) that clearly forced the lander to change its path. Also, this explain the fact that the rover may never come back to its designated path; as it might got disintegrated.

Uneven surface

The moon's surface is less explored. Possibly there was some barrier in the form of a mountain or Rocky surface so high that the lander had hit/brushed past to get out of its deviated path and ultimately crashed.

There could be more complex reasons behind the crash of the lander. We will update you when an official statement will be published by ISRO.

 Photos that will make you cry

Chandrayaan-2 crash

Chandrayaan-2 crash

Chandrayaan-2 crash

Chandrayaan-2 crash

Chandrayaan-2 crash

Don't worry ISRO whole country and sciencedoze is with you. Bounce back with full Josh.

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