The Four Fundamental Forces in Nature

In the macroscopic world, we observe several kinds of forces : muscular force, contact forces of support and friction, forces exerted by springs and strings, viscous forces, electric forces, magnetic forces, etc. All these forces between macroscopic objects arise from two fundamental forces : Gravitational force Electromagnetic force In the microscopic world, in addition to the above two forces, two more basic forces are required to account for the various atomic and nuclear processes. These are Strong nuclear force Weak nuclear force The ratio of the strength of the four fundamental forces in nature is Fg:Fw:Fe:Fs = 1 : 10^25 : 10^36 : 10^38 1. The Gravitational Force It is the force of mutual attraction between two bodies by virtue of their masses. It is a universal force. Every body attracts every other body of the universe with this force. According to Newton's law of gravitation the gravitational attraction between two bodies of masses m1 ...