What would happen if we live on mars

What would happen if we live on mars?

Life on mars

We can't live freely on mars as we today live on earth. We can't talk, walk ,and eat freely as we do on earth. In short, our life will be hell. Here are the reasons why?

Time to travel

If we board on the fastest space ship even then it would take around 40 days to 270 days to travel from earth to mars, depending upon the position of mars in the orbit.


We can't breathe freely as there is only 0.14% of the oxygen on Mars. We have to carry excess oxygen from earth or we have to find an effective way to produce oxygen from Co2 as it is a major part of mars.


Mars is a global desert filled with infertile dry sand. The temperature on mars can drop down to -55°C to -123°C which unbearable for humans. Also, heavy dust storms are common on Mars.


As mars have no magnetic field and the ozone layer. So we can't bear the UV
radiations of the sun and can't move freely like on earth. Chances of skin cancer will at the top.


  • We can't live in normal homes on mars. Either we have to live underground or in inflated pressurized homes.
  • We have to grow vegetables artificially.
  • We can't burn fire as there no oxygen, we can't walk properly as Gravitational force on mars is 1/3rd than earth.
  • We have to eat only dry food. 
  • We have to face many problems in daily life and have to import resources from the earth.
  • We have to move in space suits ,not in normal clothes.
  • We have to talk through radio-waves as there is no atmosphere. 

All in all, decide of yourself whether you have to live on mars or want to preserve our earth.

Save Earth! Save life!

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