Why our teeth become yellow?

Do you ever think why your teeth become yellow over time or your teeth are yellow by birth?? Both have respective reasons let's checkout.
Yellow teeth vector

  Structure of Teeth


Structure of teeth diagram

Before going through the reason first let us understand the structure of teeth, it's very simple
  • The topmost layer is called enamel which is white.
  • The second layer is dentine which is yellow.
  • Third and the last layer is the pulp which contains blood vessels and veins which is red.

Why our teeth turn yellow?

So what exactly happens when we eat food which is either acidic or basic like lemon juice, cold drinks, chewing gum, etc then it erodes our topmost i.e enamel from teeth and over some time our enamel gets fully eroded and the second layer i.e dentine is now visible which is yellow. That's how our teeth turn yellow.

Why some people have yellow teeth by birth??

Some people have their teeth yellow by birth because their topmost enamel layer is very thin and the second dentine layer is visible through naked eyes. It's very common.

How to cure yellow teeth


Brush your teeth twice a day especially after eating an acidic meal. It's the best way.


You can use hydrogen peroxide as a mouth wash. It helps not only in freshen your mouth but also to whiten your teeth.


If you have a very bad habit of smoking, tobacco, etc then leave it today because it causes your teeth yellow.


Chewing gum erodes you enamel layer over a while and dentine layer becomes visible.

Happy brushing!!

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