Why Salt and Ice Burn our Skin | Salt and Ice Challenge

There is a salt and ice challenge for you. Take one teaspoon of salt and one ice cube in your hand and hold it for just 2 minutes. You can't because your skin will burn like hell like someone sprayed acid on your hand. What causes your hand to burn?? Let's find out!! Disclaimer-⚠️ Don't try this at home ⚠️ What causes your skin to burn? It's because of salt . Salt decreases the freezing point of ice. Normal ice freezes at 0°C but after adding salt its freezing point drops down to -21°C. Your hand's heat can easily melt the normal ice but It could not melt the ice with -21°C temperature causing a burning sensation to your hand. If you put ice and salt for a long time then it can also cause frostbite which is very lethal. How can it affect your skin? We can suffer from frostbite which is not good. Frostbite freezes your skin tissues, reducing the blood flow and oxygen due to which your skin becomes pale, lost of sensation, black or...