What if you dive into a tornado?
Have you ever think that what happens if you dive directly into a tornado.
Your brother will not let you die!
Let's assume that you have dive into a tornado..
- You will immediately be blown up to the height of 1500m
, yes some tornados riseto 1500m.
- The pressure inside the tornado will decrease at a
very fast rate and your lungswill not able to breathe and you will immediately diedue to suffocation.
- Okay,
I am your friend, I will bring an oxygen cylinder and not let you die but.. but.. the speed of rotation of a tornado will goup to 800m per hour and, surely, you will behit by other objects likecars, stones , wood, etc.
- Okay if you did
very good karma in your life then let us assume you will not behit by other objects and tornado also get vanished then you will fall from the height of 1500m( 1.5km) and you willbe shattered into pieces.
- But your brother will not let you die I will put
a pillow on the ground and save you!!
Congratulate me I just saved you from the tornado :-):-)